Recently created stories presents - Bali


The Indonesian island of Bali, nearly 5,633m2 in area, lies between Java to the west and Lombok to the east and is one of the more than 17,000 islands that make up the Indonesian archipelago. The island is bordered by the Bali Sea and the Indian Ocean. It is part of one of Indonesia’s 33 provinces, with the capital, Denpasar, located in the south of the island. The island is home to 3,891,428 people who follow various religions: 92.9% Hindu, 5.69% Muslim, 1.38% Christian and 0.64% Buddhist. #travel #bali #island #indonesia #capital #asia presents - Балі


Індонезійський острів Балі, площею майже 5633 м2, лежить між Явою на заході та Ломбоком на сході і є одним із понад 17 000 островів, що складають індонезійський архіпелаг. Острів межує з Балійським морем та Індійським океаном. Це частина однієї з 33 провінцій Індонезії, зі столицею Денпасаром, розташованою на півдні острова. На острові проживає 3 891 428 людей, які сповідують різні релігії: 92,9% індуїстів, 5,69% мусульман, 1,38% християн та 0,64% буддистів. #travel #bali #island #indonesia #capital #asia presents - Nicosia


When thinking of visiting Cyprus, Nicosia is most likely not the first place on tourist minds for one thing – no beaches. It lacks ocean water and sand due to its central location, the capital, and the largest city in Cyprus makes up for it in a rich, great blend of culture, history, historical landmarks, impressive facilities, and many more. #travel #nicosia #cyprus #beach #capital presents - Відвідайте Кейптаун

Відвідайте Кейптаун

Є багато причин відвідати Кейптаун, гарне і жваве портове місто, в Південній Африці, і я точно вам покажу, чому саме це - з описом деяких найкрасивіших місць, знайдених у жвавому мегаполісі та навколо нього. #southafrica #capetown #beach #ocean presents - Beijing or Peking

Beijing or Peking

Beijing, also known as Peking, is the capital of the People’s Republic of China and with around 20 million inhabitants, one of the world’s most populous cities. Located in northern China, the city is the country’s political, cultural and educational centre and the majority of China’s state-controlled companies are based here. It is also a major transportation hub with an international airport and an extensive rail and road network. #travel #china #beijing #peking #capital presents - Bangkok


Bangkok, Thailand, one of the most vibrant cities in South East Asia. A city that never sleeps and always fascinates. Hospitable people, glittering temples, colourful markets, great shopping and exotic nightlife. Bangkok is an intoxicating mixture of aromas, sights and visual delights. Bangkok’s dazzling temples are a unique part of the capital’s heart and soul. The temples (or “Wats”) are not just tourist attractions but also play an important part in Buddhist traditions. #travel #bangkok #asia #thailand presents - Visit Phuket island and come back home with some great photos!

Visit Phuket island and come back home with some great photos!

Sandy beaches, fantastic landscapes and great Thai food give you plenty of reasons to visit Phuket, the largest and best-known island of Thailand. It has a land area of approximately 540 square kilometers (roughly the size of Singapore.) A quarter of a million people live there, most of them being either Thai or Chinese. Situated off the west coast of Thailand in the Andaman Sea temperatures vary from between 21 degrees and 34 degrees centigrade. Due to its geographical location, the months of November till April are traditionall. #travel #phuket #island #thailand #beach presents -  Top 5 places to visit in Ecuador

Top 5 places to visit in Ecuador

Ecuador is one of the most intriguing nations in South America. It makes up for its small size with an assortment of native tribes, colonial architecture, beautiful scenery, and thick rainforests. It has Colombia and the Pacific Ocean as its borders — it is not larger than most states in the US. This magnificent nation attracts hikers, trekkers, explorers, and nature lovers to its green, ecologically significant forests, wildlife watchers to its iconic Galápagos Islands, and sun-seekers to its sandy tropical beaches. Here are some tips: #ecuador #southamerica #tips #ocean #beach presents - London


The main geographical feature of London is the River Thames. The central area and the most important sights, theatres and restaurants are on the north bank of the river. The trendy and tourist-ridden West includes Soho, Trafalgar Square, Piccadilly Circus, Leicester Square and Regent St. The East End lies east of the Circle Line; it used to be the exclusive preserve of the Cockney but is now a cultural melting pot. Accommodation in London is expensive and in short supply in July and August. #river #thames #London #uk #north #west presents - Puerto Rico – Lovely Sites to visit in this Caribbean Island

Puerto Rico – Lovely Sites to visit in this Caribbean Island

Puerto Rico is a beautiful island in the Caribbean, a landscape of waterfalls, mountains, and lush tropical rainforest. With a Spanish history, the island has colorful ancient fortresses and Spanish colonial buildings. Puerto Rico is an unincorporated U.S territory with San Juan as its capital and largest city. The city is a beauty to behold with numerous beach bars, casinos and hotel strips in the Isla Verde region of the city. Surely you have always heard about the Caribbean and its beautiful islands. Here is a list of some lovely sites you should visit in Puerto Rico on your next vacation. presents - French Polynesia- Interesting things to do in the South Pacific Islands

French Polynesia- Interesting things to do in the South Pacific Islands

French Polynesia is a collection of over 100 islands in the South Pacific. This is an overseas collectivity of France, and it covers more than 2,000km distance. French Polynesia is popular for its coral-fringed lagoons, beaches, mountains, and towering waterfalls. The islands have features that make them beautiful and attractive to visitors. With the beauty of nature displayed in the south pacific islands, visitors would experience nature at its untouched state. Moreover, there are some interesting things they can also do at French Polynesia to have remarkable moments. These include: #beach presents - Бангкок


Бангкок, Таїланд, одне з найжвавіших міст Південно-Східної Азії. Місто, яке ніколи не спить і завжди зачаровує. Гостинні люди, блискучі храми, барвисті ринки, чудові магазини та екзотичне нічне життя. Бангкок - це хмільна суміш ароматів, визначних пам'яток та візуальних насолод. Сліпучі храми Бангкока - це унікальна частина серця та душі столиці. Храми (або "Вати") є не просто туристичними визначними пам'ятками, а також відіграють важливу роль у буддистських традиціях. #travel #bangkok #asia #thailand presents - Poda Islands

Poda Islands

Poda Islands travel tips and all you need to about this beautiful island is given in this post. Koh Poda, famously known as the Poda Island is a beautiful vacation spot amidst the nature in South Thailand. Located off the coast of Krabi, Poda Island could turn out to be a great day trip for your friends and family. Well connected with major vacation destinations like Railay Beach, Klong Muang and Ao Nang, reaching out to Poda Island is easy and a wonderful experience. The clear waters, effulgent palm trees and soothing white beaches are a sight to see. #travel #islands #beach #relax presents - Colombo


Colombo is a vibrant and cosmopolitan city in the beautiful country of Sri Lanka. Over the last few years, it has experienced a boom in the building of skyscrapers, new roads, and hotels. Its mixture of modern life and architecture and the old colonial buildings and charming ruins make Colombo rather unique. Despite lacking bucket-list kind of sights which other capitals in Asia have, Colombo is an attractive city that is worth visiting. Dedicate to it at least one day at least to get a taste of the bustle of city life in Sri Lanka. #travel #colombo #capital #asia #srilanka presents - Canada


Canada is the world’s second largest country after Russia. It is simply enormous, measuring almost 4 million square miles, or nearly 10 million square kilometres in area and has more lakes and inland waters than any other country. Some of the lakes are so huge that you can stand on the shore and imagine you are standing at the edge of an ocean. The provinces are so vast that it can take over 24 hours to drive from one border to the next. And all this space is home to around 32 million people, little more than half the population of the United Kingdom. #travel #canada #information #area  
1 previous stories presents - Лондон


Основной географической особенностью Лондона является река Темза. Центральная площадь и самые важные достопримечательности, театры и рестораны находятся на северном берегу реки. Модный и турист-ездил Уэст включает Сохо, Трафальгарскую площадь, цирк Пикадилли, площадь Лестера и Регент Св. Восточный конец лежит на восток линии круга; Раньше он был эксклюзивным сохранением кокни, но теперь является культурным плавильным горшком. Размещение в Лондоне дорого и в нескольких минутах езды в июле и августе. #river #thames #London #uk #north #west presents - Singapore


Singapore is one of a kind country. Apart from being a country, it is also an island and a city. The whole of Singapore is one big Island with over mostly uninhabited 62 islets. Singapore is a perfect blend between the natural trail and modernity, ancient and contemporary, the west and east, water and land, and other contrasts. The island city-state has a lot of diversity of attractions, which makes Singapore one of the top tourist destinations for all kinds and ages of people. Here are some captivating places to include in your travel itinerary to enjoy the wonder of Singapore. #travel presents -  Besuchen Sie Kapstadt

Besuchen Sie Kapstadt

Es gibt viele Gründe, Kapstadt, die schöne und pulsierende Hafenstadt im südlichen Afrika, zu besuchen, und ich werde Ihnen genau zeigen, warum das so ist, mit einer Auflistung einiger der schönsten Orte in und um die geschäftige Metropole. #southafrica #capetown #beach #ocean presents - California


California, America’s “Golden State” is about 300 km wide and 1400 km long, stretching along the west coast of the Pacific Ocean. It borders on Mexico to the south and Oregon to the north. Its western beaches, see pictures below, are in direct contrast to its deserts which border on the states of Arizona and Nevada to the east. #travel #california #america #beach presents - 5 найкращих місць для відвідування в Еквадорі

5 найкращих місць для відвідування в Еквадорі

Еквадор - одна з найбільш інтригуючих держав Південної Америки. Він компенсує свої невеликі розміри асортиментом корінних племен, колоніальною архітектурою, прекрасними пейзажами та густими тропічними лісами. Межами є Колумбія та Тихий океан - він не більший за більшість штатів США. Ця чудова нація приваблює туристів, туристичних мандрівників, любителів природи до своїх зелених, екологічно значущих лісів, спостерігачів за дикою природою до її знакових Галапагоських островів, а шукачів сонця до своїх піщаних тропічних пляжів. Ось декілька порад: #ecuador #southamerica #tips #ocean #beach 
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